Makes 8 portions 25 Minutes preparation 185°C
Get set for an epic flavour fiesta because leek season is here to rock your taste buds! These vibrant green gems shoot up, packing a punch of freshness and crunch. Fire up those pans and savour the moment as leeks take centre stage in our kitchen adventure that will leave you craving.
Let's whip up something to join our Sunday roast while minimizing waste and making the most of what's in your cupboard!
- 600g leeks
- 100g Butter
- 2g Sea salt
- 50g Plain Matthews flour
- 50g Butter
- 150g Mature English cheddar
- 10g English mustard
- 250ml Milk
- 250ml Double cream
- 2 Sprigs of thyme
- 50g Crusty crumbs
- 4g Salt
- Wash and finely slice your leeks - Heat a pan and add the butter on low heat - Sweat the leeks for 3-4 minutes and remove, keeping green - Heat a separate pan, add the butter and then the flour, cook and stir with no colour for 5 minutes - Heat the milk and cream and add slowly stirring all the time so that the sauce is smooth - Continue to stir and cook for another 10 minutes, before adding the mustard and seasoning - Pass through a fine sieve and remove from stove - Add the cheese and correct the seasoning if need be. I love a bit of extra mustard! - Fold in the leeks and place into a dish - Blend those crumbs and scatter on top - Pre heat oven to 185°C - Bake in the oven for 20 minutes just before serving, until golden brown
