Makes 8 portions 15 Minutes preparation 250ml bowl

- 150g Butter - 250g White onions - 2 Cloves garlic - 300g Maris pipers - 500g Leeks - 3 Sprigs of thyme - 8g Salt
- 850ml Vegetable stock - 50g Baby spinach
- 300ml Double cream (Optional)
- Heat the butter in a pan on a low heat
- Add the finely diced onions and allow to cook slowly - Finley chop the garlic and add - Cook for a further 5 minutes - Peel the potatoes and grated directly into the onions, cook really slowly and season
- Add the leeks and cook until just soft - Add the stock slowly a little at a time and simmer for 5 minutes - Remove from the heat and correct the seasoning if needed
- Add the cream (if using) and bring to the boil, add the spinach and take of the heat immediately
- Check the seasoning
Feeling humble. Serve it up! Or, blend and give it some seasoning swagger
- Blend for 4 minutes until really smooth
- Pass through a sieve and serve
